Luxe Refill Candles.

How to refill your jar

To refill your Luxe Candle Jar with our selection of coconut and soy wax candle refills, simply follow these 6 easy steps:

  1. Wait until the wax in your candle jar has burned down to the bottom.

  2. Use a spoon or butter knife to remove any remaining wax and wick.

  3. Clean out the jar with hot water and dish soap, making sure to remove any residue or scent from the previous candle.

  4. Once your jar is clean, towel dry the jar to ensure that all the water has dried up.

  5. Open your new candle refill and place it inside the jar.

  6. Light the wick and enjoy your favourite scent once again!

NOTE: Don’t pour any excess wax down the sink, do ensure that it gets thrown into the bin.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Your refill will have a burn time of up to 50 hours (200g) or 80 hours (400g) and is designed to fit your Luxe Candle Jar perfectly. You can choose from a variety of fragrances to refill your jar with your favourite scent or try something different.

Using refills is a cost-effective way to extend the life of your Luxe Candle Jar, as you can reuse the same jar instead of buying a new one every time you need a new candle. Plus, by using refills, you are helping to reduce waste, which is a key focus for our business.

Our candle refills are made from a coconut and soy wax blend that burns evenly. This wax is also water-soluble, making it easy to clean out your jar and prepare it for the next refill. Overall, using our Luxury Candle refills are a great way to try new scents while promoting sustainability and being eco-conscious.

Tips for aftercare

Here are some important tips to help you get the most out of your candles:

  1. It's important to note that our candle refills are designed to be used in our Luxe Candle Jar, and not meant to be burned on their own. Be sure to place your candle refill in your jar before lighting.

  2. Always trim the wick to 0.5cm before lighting your candle, and remember to trim the wick to the same length before each use. This helps to prevent smoking and uneven burning.

  3. Allow your candle to burn for at least 2 hours (but no more than 4 hours) on the first burn until the entire top layer of wax has melted. This will help ensure a more even burn during the next use.

  4. Avoid lighting your candle in drafty areas, as this can cause uneven burning and potentially even extinguish the flame.

  5. Avoid placing your candle on high shelves or too close to the ceiling, as the heat from the flame may cause sooting.

  6. To extinguish your candle, use a wick dipper or snuffer if possible. If those aren't available, gently blow out the flame and avoid blowing directly onto the candle, as this can cause wax to splash.

Remember to always follow these tips for a safe and enjoyable candle-burning experience.

Paper that grows wildflower

Did you know that our candle covers are plantable? Plantable paper is made from recycled materials, which reduces the need for virgin materials and conserves natural resources. Additionally, it is biodegradable and does not leave any waste behind, making it a great alternative to traditional paper products that end up in landfills.

How to plant your cover:

  1. To help the seeds to swell and germinate more easily, you will need to soak the cover for up to 12hrs.

  2. Use your clean candle jar and fill it half way with soil (peat-free), place your candle cover in the jar and cover it with a thin layer of soil.

  3. Water the soil and seeded candle cover gently, and keep it moist by spraying it with water every day.

  4. Leave your jar in a warm and well-lit area to help the seeds germinate. Please note that the germination usually takes between 7-10 days.

  5. Once the seedlings have established, you can transfer them to a larger pot or plant them directly into your garden or outdoor space. If you are planting outdoors, it is best to do so in late spring or early summer, after the threat of frosts has passed.

Good luck with your planting!

Luxe Candles.